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Globaly available concepts

Utils are globally available concepts that are modeled once and used across the system. They include:


Expressions are reusable logical constructs used to transform data on-the-fly before executing logic. There are two types of expressions:

API Authorization Expression

These expressions are used in models that define an access path in the GraphQL API. They convert query variables to specific roles, useful in multi-tenant systems where each tenant has a private set of roles.

Trigger Key Expression

The key expression is usable in all identity-based triggers: Aggregate behavior flows & View data sources. It is used to convert an event attribute into a functional key.


Allows you to add pip packages to you runtime, the package will be available for importing in all custom python code in your project.


Patterns are regular expressions that can be used while modelling commands to ensure a specific pattern for String fields e.g.





Extending patters

Patterns may reference each-other e.g.



Simply a list of role names available in the modeler, at this moment these roles are not automatically loaded into the the IAM system by Draftsman. The application owner needs to define these roles manually, or model an automation (@afterDeployment) that creates these roles.

Python modules

Python modules are usable scripts that define methods that are accessible from:

  • Behavior flows
  • Automations
def behavior_or_notifier_function(flow):
    # May set a flow variable
    flow.myVariable = "Hello World!"

    # And has access to flow variables

    # And has also access to the aggregate document

It is a simple function but it does provide you access to all variables available to the flow execution.