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Asynchronous Command Handling


Our application utilizes an asynchronous command handling system through AWS AppSync. When a client sends a command (via GraphQL mutation), it is accepted and dispatched asynchronously, providing a trace ID for monitoring purposes. This approach ensures robust and responsive user interactions, accommodating the inherent challenges of distributed systems.

Process Flow

  1. Command Dispatch: When a command is issued, it is accepted into the domain and dispatched asynchronously. AWS AppSync abstracts this process, handling the details of asynchronous communication.

  2. Trace ID: Upon accepting a command, the system generates and returns a trace ID. This ID is crucial for clients to monitor the status of their commands.

Monitoring with Trace ID

Clients can use the trace ID to monitor the status of their commands through GraphQL queries or subscriptions. The information retrievable includes:

  • Component name
  • Timestamp
  • Status (accepted, success, error)

Query vs. Subscription

  • Query: Used when client technology does not support subscriptions, or when viewing information after the command has been published. Queries are useful for retrospective checks and scenarios requiring fast processing.
  • Subscription: Ideal for real-time monitoring, providing immediate updates on the command’s status.

Error Handling

  • Retries: For technical errors (e.g., network issues), the system retries the command up to three times.
  • Error Events: If retries fail, an error event is thrown, and the context is stored in the deadletter table for further investigation and handling.

Benefits of Asynchronous Handling

  • Performance: Fast initial responses to clients improve user experience.
  • Robustness: Handles the fallacies of distributed systems, ensuring reliable operation despite potential issues.
  • Real-time Updates: Clients receive immediate feedback on the status of their commands, aiding in timely decision-making and interactions.

This asynchronous approach leverages the strengths of AWS AppSync to provide a responsive, robust, and user-friendly system for handling commands and ensuring that clients are well-informed about the status and outcomes of their requests.